Albi sat by the window, watching the raindrops race down the glass. He felt a little sad because his parents had been arguing again. His little dog, Winston, snuggled next to him, sensing his gloom. Suddenly, a fluffy cloud named Nimbus floated into his room, smiling warmly. 'Hello, Albi,' said Nimbus, 'Would you like to come on an adventure with me?'

Albi climbed onto Nimbus with Winston by his side, and they floated up into the sky. The world below looked small and far away. Nimbus showed them sunny fields and stormy clouds, explaining that the sky could hold both at the same time. Albi realized it was just like his heart, full of different feelings. 'It's okay to feel both happy and sad,' Nimbus said gently.

As they floated further, a storm began to brew, and the sky turned dark. Albi felt a bit scared, but Winston barked bravely, and Nimbus reassured him. 'Storms pass, and sunshine returns,' Nimbus explained. Albi watched as the rain fell and then slowly cleared away. He understood that his feelings were like the weather, always changing but never wrong.

Nimbus gently brought Albi and Winston back home, right to his bedroom window. 'Thank you, Nimbus,' Albi said, feeling lighter and more at peace. He hugged Winston tight, knowing he could love both his parents and feel all his feelings. As Nimbus waved goodbye, Albi smiled, ready to face whatever came next. He knew his heart had room for it all.