In a house so bright and warm, Cayden woke up with a charm. He jumped out of bed with a leap, his parents still fast asleep. "Wake up! It's pancake day!" he cried, with joy that couldn't hide. His mom and dad heard his cheer, and knew breakfast time was near.his black

In the kitchen, Cayden stood tall, ready to help and have a ball. "Flour, eggs, and milk," he said, as he pointed to the table spread. His mom smiled and gave a nod, while dad fetched the mixing rod. Together they gathered fruit so sweet, to make their pancakes a yummy treat.

Cayden helped to crack an egg, while dad poured milk without a leg. Mom added flour with a spin, and Cayden stirred with a grin. The batter swirled round and round, making a funny bubbling sound. "This is fun!" Cayden exclaimed, as the mixture was perfectly tamed.

With a sizzle and a pop, the pancakes began to hop. Mom flipped them high in the air, while dad watched with loving care. Cayden clapped and gave a cheer, as the pancakes cooked without fear. "Golden brown," dad said with pride, as the pancakes were done with a slide.

Cayden's eyes gleamed with delight, as he chose toppings just right. Blueberries, strawberries, and a dash of cream, made the pancakes a dream. A drizzle of honey, sweet and fine, made Cayden's smile brightly shine. "These are the best!" he declared, as his parents lovingly stared.

With pancakes ready on the plate, Cayden poured milk, he couldn't wait. A glass so tall, filled to the brim, made Cayden's joy never dim. "Here's to a breakfast so grand," said dad, holding Cayden's tiny hand. Together they clinked their glasses with glee, a happy family, as can be.

Cayden took a big, yummy bite, eyes wide with pure delight. "These are the best pancakes ever!" he said, feeling clever. His mom and dad smiled with pride, enjoying the breakfast by his side. They laughed and talked, feeling so blessed, knowing together times are the best.

With tummies full and hearts so light, Cayden knew the day was bright. Pancake mornings with mom and dad, made him feel so very glad. "Can we do this again soon?" he asked, as they cleaned up with a happy task. His parents nodded with a smile, "Of course, dear Cayden, in a while."