Lily Learns to Trust: A Lesson in Faith


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Lily kneeling beside her bed, with her mom, both with calm expressions, praying together
Lily was nervous about starting at a new school in a new town. She missed her old friends and worried about making new ones. The night before her first day, Lily and her mom prayed for courage and guidance. They asked God to help Lily be brave and make new friends. Lily felt a little better after praying.
Lily standing on a school playground, nervously approaching a group of kids playing soccer
On her first day, Lily met her teacher, Mrs. Green, and her new classmates. During recess, she saw some kids playing soccer and wanted to join. Lily felt scared but whispered a prayer for courage. She bravely asked to join the game, and the kids warmly welcomed her. Lily made new friends, especially a girl named Emma, who invited her to lunch.
Lily at home, smiling as she listens to her dad reading a Bible verse
At home, Lily’s dad shared a Bible verse with her: Proverbs 3:5, 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart.' This made Lily feel more confident. The next day, she noticed a boy named Jack sitting alone. Remembering her dad's words, she invited Jack to play. Jack smiled and joined her, and they had a great time together.
Lily standing confidently in her bedroom, looking up with a serene expression, hands clasped in prayer
Through these moments, Lily learned that trusting God gave her bravery and kindness. She prayed every night, grateful for God’s guidance and love. By the end of the week, Lily realized that with faith, she could overcome any challenge. She felt secure in God’s enduring love. Lily knew she could face anything with trust in her heart.