My Brain Has Its Own Language: Learning About Autism & ADHD


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Ella walking to school, mesmerized by the colorful leaves and patterns on the sidewalk
Ella always felt like she was exploring a different world, one full of colors and patterns that no one else seemed to notice. Walking to school, she'd get lost in the rhythm of the leaves dancing in the wind or the intricate designs on the sidewalk. 'Your brain is like a kaleidoscope,' her mom would say with a smile. 'Always shifting, always beautiful.' Ella loved that her world was special, but sometimes, she wished she could share it with others.
Ella sitting at her desk in class, looking puzzled and isolated as her classmates engage with each other
In class, Ella found it hard to sit still. Her thoughts raced like shooting stars, each one bright and fleeting. When she tried to explain her ideas, the words didn't always come out right. 'It's like my brain speaks its own language,' she thought. Her classmates didn't always understand, leaving Ella feeling like she was on the outside looking in.
Ella showing her colorful drawings to Mr. Jones, who is looking at them with admiration and understanding
One day, a new teacher, Mr. Jones, noticed Ella's colorful drawings. 'Your brain does speak its own language, Ella,' he said. 'And it's a beautiful one.' He introduced her to books and stories about other kids with ADHD and Autism. Ella realized she wasn't alone. There were others who saw the world in vibrant colors and patterns, just like her.
Ella standing in front of her class, confidently presenting her project on neurodiversity with Mr. Jones and classmates listening intently
Ella began to share her experiences more confidently. With Mr. Jones' help, she found ways to express her thoughts so others could understand. She started a school project about neurodiversity, teaching her classmates about the beauty of different minds. Ella's world wasn't so lonely anymore. She had found a way to bridge her world with theirs, showing everyone that different doesn't mean less—it just means different.